
So, everyday is different with what I am asked to do.  It can just be a simple colour change or a clean up giving each picture the built in wow factor……but then, there are the other jobs that I’m asked to produce sometimes, one off projects, that result in images that end up in THE most amazing places…

Before and after

Meet Brennus…the first of the Foamburst Genies that we worked on.



First Job to make the tattoo look realistic..
Although transfers are less painful this sleeve need to look as real as possible.
Prep work finished finessed and pinged to life – from here the style was set for the rest.

In Situ

Next to make him sit into the foaming bubbles and combine him with the background for the finished image. It took sometime to get this perfect but with all those bubbles what do you expect..
These went on to be 48 and 96 sheet posters and appeared up and down the country.
They where also used in press Ads in some of our most popular magazines out there today.

Before and after

TBWA MANCHESTER Asked me to help out on the latest Sofworks press campaign
The guys were shooting the footage for the TV commercial and at the same time photography was also taken not only saving costs, but making sure everything ran seamlessly together for the finished look – from TV & Web to Press Ad’s.


My job was to be as efficient as possible making the images work within my brief and alway with continuity in mind.

Sofas re worked, backgrounds changed and extended, then finally adding Neil to the sofa.
Neil, a CGI image, was comped onto the sofa, I had to make sure he looked comfortable and relaxed. He’s a bit of a diva, but I think I met the challenge..